“As I reflect on the year-end closing time for Pilsen Neighbors Community Council’s work in the year 2022, it gives me great hope and a lot of inspiration for the work ahead of us.
The year began by holding our semi-annual event, the “Driver’s License Reinstatement Expo” in January of this year, which led to a major campaign for the celebration of our 5oth anniversary of Fiesta del Sol, a milestone for our organization and the Pilsen neighborhood. Leaders and organizers came together to work with Pilsen Neighbors to make this year a special and unique year that looked at the foundation of why Pilsen Neighbors Community Council existed, and set the tone and the engagement towards the future.
In the spring of 2022, we got word that our application from the state was accepted to build and invest in this community on a project that will be named the Leadership Development Institute (LDI). The LDI is what’s going to drive not only the work of Fiesta del Sol, but the Academy of Parents in Leadership, the Community Education Center, and the Latino Legal Institute.
In the immigration field, we set forth again to do the ground work by welcoming the immigrants and refugees into the city, as well as the “ID for All! TVDL campaign” we are currently engaged in.
The staff has grown and has also created an opportunity to look at what 2023 will bring.
Lastly, there’s a special announcement I want to hold back from announcing until the first quarter of 2023, but look forward, seek us out, visit our website, follow us on social media, get involved in this organization, and furthermore, invest in the work of Pilsen Neighbors Community Council.
Thank you and have a great end of the year, and a bright 2023.”
Juan F. Soto,
Executive Director.
Pilsen Neighbors Community Council.